And If They Each Told Two Friends...

Some people call me an "enabler," others liken me to a crack-cocaine dealer. I worked with a guy back at The Tiki Bar, we used to say he was capable of selling flashlights to blind people. I've modeled alot of my sales pitches after his methods.

Here's the deal for Event #38: Find someone who has yet to buy a share, talk 'em into it, and if they give me your name in the comments of the purchase, you'll get a share of your own, on me. If they buy more than 39 shares, I'll give you 5% of their total.

This could be your wife, your Dad, your co-worker - anyone who has not yet bought a share. For this event, I'll even give y'all a chance to reference players we've both known for years. Let's get all of these sold; 71 down, right around 120 hours left to distribute the other 929.

Thanks for all your support!

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